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Has social media changed the practice of yoga:

In Health, Life, Social media, Wellbeing by adminLeave a Comment

The social media takeover: The global takeover of social media, especially platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Meaning we are living in technological-driven modern world. On the plus side, there is an endless pool of yoga advice, poses and online classes we can get involved in. When it comes to modern yoga, social media now offers us unique opportunities …

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Using yoga to counter seating habits: Standing up without arm support.

In Age, Exercise, Health, Life, NHS, Yoga by adminLeave a Comment

A forgotten basic skill?: In the current climate, we are saturated with endless options for quite literally everything. Including, an unlimited new seating options. As a result, there is too much variety of comfortable chairs, fashionable sofas and ergonomic work seats available to us. Even with all the benefits available from these things brought into our lives: such as greater …

How yoga can improve your sleep!

In Health, Life, NHS, Study, Time, Wellbeing, Yoga by adminLeave a Comment

A Melo introduction to the new year: Hello to everyone again, this is officially our first article of 2023! Melo Yoga is officially stepping in to the new year… only two months late. To start our year, we felt like speaking about something that relates to us all… that would be sleep. In general, most of us probably feel like …