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Exploring the health benefits of endurance training.

In Exercise, Experience, Fitness, Health, Wellbeing, Yoga by adminLeave a Comment

A few weeks ago I ran 132.8km in 24 hours for a race. In contrast, London to Northampton is around 98km apart! As tough as long-distance running can be, some of the mental and psychological benefits we can receive from this form of training are underappreciated. Endurance training does not have to be too extreme. However, the purpose of the …

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Are you coming to yoga tomorrow?

In Age, Exercise, Experience, Fitness, Gender, Health, New habits, NHS, Study, Time, Wellbeing, Yoga by admin3 Comments

“Yoga is so much more!” So far, we have looked at the physical benefits of yoga. Placing our attention on some commonly reported issues such as back pain, neck pain and help with breastfeeding, etc. However, yoga can be about so much more! This article is about something different this time. The theme for this article is the social aspect …