Is constant sitting ruining your back?

In Age, Exercise, Fitness, Gender, Health, New habits, NHS, Study, Time, Wellbeing, Yoga by admin1 Comment

An introduction to back pain:

Is constant sitting ruining your back? On a daily basis, we spend too long set in sedentary positions. We are often sitting down whilst working or when scrolling through all our social media apps. This can accumulate over time resulting in some form of back pain. Back pain is a very common issue, the NHS states 7 out of 10 people experience some form of back pain. There are several things that can be the cause of back pain from bad posture to lifting objects off the floor awkwardly. Sometimes, it can feel like the pain is unavoidable.

Last week we discussed the relationship between yoga and osteoporosis. This week, the topic is focused on the link between yoga and back pain. Yoga is an effective solution for easing back to activities. Especially, if you’re suffering pain great enough to limit your daily capabilities. What exactly does the science say about yoga and back pain?

How can yoga combat your back pain?

Research from last year, suggests that yoga is an effective short-term treatment for decreasing back pain. This is due to the fact, yoga is self-paced and designed to be tailored to your comfort levels, it is a beneficial way to manage your levels of pain and work around it. Engaging in yoga, two to three times a week, for an hour, can have drastic effects on getting rid of the pain. It is also important to know, the study does not claim yoga is the perfect permanent solution.

Another thing to consider besides the pain is the psychological issues that arise as well. Having sporadic and frequent episodes of back pain can lead to feelings of anxiety and depression. As well as, a sense of always waiting for the pain to relapse. Is there anything yoga can do to combat these issues too?

How can yoga improve your psychological issues?

Historically, yoga has been used as a method for resolving feelings of anxiety. The nature of stretching and establishing a mind-body connection means you can become more autonomous with how your body feels. Thus, learning to trust your body once again after you’ve experienced back pain. One study showed yoga had greater effects on mood state and anxiety levels than simply going for long walks.

The most important thing about yoga is learning. Spending time to understand your body, allows you to be able to control your pain tolerance. Greater mastery of your body significantly leads to decreasing levels of depression and improved self-confidence. The goal is to improve your self-confidence to get back to normal after the pain subsides.


In conclusion, yoga is not the magic solution to completely ending your back pain. However, it is an immediate solution to help manage the pain. Whilst, also giving you the confidence to get back to your normal activities. Without the fear of re-aggravating the injury. Medication is often administrated in the form of painkillers. But, these don’t necessarily help fix back pain more than mask the pain. This can also create a dependence on painkillers whenever you experience pain. Which, can be unhealthy. Thus, hopefully reading this, can convince you to give yoga a try as a first-solution the next time you’re experiencing back pain.

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