Today’s article relates to the significance of using effective breathing techniques whilst performing yoga exercises. Often disregarded as something trivial, once truly mastered it can be beneficial in more ways then one.
Yoga is an apparatus we can all use to help counteract the stresses of everyday life. Diaphragmatic breathing allows us to bring down our heart rate whilst also helping transition our mind into a heightened feeling of zen when working out.
“Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts. Whenever your mind becomes scattered, use your breath as the means to take hold of your mind again.”
Quotation from Thich Nhat Hanh.
Diaphragmatic breathing may reduce stress levels.
There are a few cues you can use to help with practising deeper breathing:
- Starting in the Savasana pose.
- Begin to clear your mind, focusing only on empty thoughts.
- Slowly close your eyes and become self-aware of your breathing patterns. Breath in through the nose and out through the mouth.
- Start to turn inside, with the sole task of following the coming and going of your breath. When the mind wanders, slowly just bring back your attention to your breathing.
To learn more about Melo Yoga, click here.
I think this is an excellent article overall as it really focuses on how doing yoga can be beneficial for individuals and even states how it can be beneficial in more than one way and below are examples of this statement. The other things I like about this article is that not only do they identify and explain the beneficial ways but also relate it to science studies. The highlighted quote and step to step instructions on how to practise deep breathing was also really good key points to add to this article.
Aww thank you so much Jess! One for reading, secondly or your lovely comments ! I will pass it on to Jay, our writer. If there’s anything you would like him to touch on in future, please let us know 🙂 He’s currently working on his next article- so please check back here or on social media next month for that one 🙂 Namaste! Hannah (and Jay) x